Sunday, 1 July 2012

Today's Efforts

Had a good day's painting today

Started out to do the commission what has been hanging over my head but then discovered that the new printer ink I had bought last time I was in town was not for my machine and so I couldn't print out the emails with the photos that was the end of that.

Sometimes I think it would be nice to live in town so you could just go get the ink and get on with the painting, but only sometime do I think that the rest of the time I love life out here definately no one to annoy you.

So I looked at the canvas that I had sitting up on the easel, for some reason I often sit them up there for a while...and look at them...some time ago they used to scare me but now I get a little excited about the prospect.

I thought I would do a bird painting as I'm for some reason a bit into painting birds at the moment. I have fun giving them a personality, plus I love birds I have so many living in my garden they come and go though the year depending on what trees are in flower. I don't like it when the big cockatoo's come and eat my mangoes!! The guinea fowl love the cockatoo's because they wait under the trees for the mangoes if the cockatoos make a mistake of letting on drop

Cold Stork
Anyway back to the matter at hand. So because this canvas is long and skinny I needed something that is long and skinny so I looked through my reference bird picture's I found one and got into it.

Didn't take very long . Some are like that they happen quickly and I had just downloaded some great old 70's music on to my ipod so that helped.

I then started work on another painting which I had started a few weeks ago but had then got side tracked on to some thing else  This sometimes happens when things are not going too well with the painting and I tend to sometimes loose interest.

Anyway it was sitting there begging for attenion so I put it up on the easel and had a go at it for the rest of the day I then took a photo of it to show you but then this morning when I looked at it I thought no the back ground is all wrong so I painted out the red that it was and made it straight ultra blue and now I think it is worth showing but you will have to wait until the next post as I haven't taken a photo and it is way past my bed time and I'll do it tomorrow.

So until then.....

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